לזכות ר' ראובן לייב בן שיינדל צבי' יוכבד
www.770Live.com Presents a NEW WEEKLY SERIES of SHIURIM by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon
15th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Parshas VVayikra, 5772
Subject: Moshiach Ben Yosef
14th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Parshas Vayak'hel-Pekudei, 5772
Subject: The Ten lost tribes part 3
13th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Parshas Tezave, 5772
Subject: The Ten lost tribes part 2
12th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Parshas Truma, 5772
Subject: The 10 lost tribes Part 1
11th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Parshas Yisroy, 5772
Subject: Rabbi Gershon Avtzon speaking to the Bochrim - 10 Shevat 5772 in 770
10th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Beshalach, 11 Shvat, 5772
Subject: Moshiach and the number 10
9th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Bo, 4 Shvat, 5772
Subject: Who will come back by Techiyas Hameisim?
8th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Mevorchim Hachodesh Shvat, 5772 - About Techiyas Hamaisim
7th Shiur For After Asara B'Teves, 5772 - About the 3d Beis Hamikdash
6th Shiur For Sunday after Hey Teves, 5772
5th Shiur For Sunday 5th Day of Chanuka - 28 Kislev 5772
4th Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Parshas Vayeshev - 21 Kislev 5772
3d Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach - 14 Kislev 5772
2nd Shiur For Motzoey Shabbos Parshas Vayetzey - 8 Kislev 5772
First Shiur and Introduction to the New Series