יחי אדונינו מורנו ורבינו המלך המשיח לעולם ועד

מוקדש לעילוי נשמת
הרה"ג הרה"ח ר' הרב חיים משה יהודה בהר"ר ירמיהו הכהן ולאה ע"ה בלוי - נפטר ג' אייר ה'תשס"ג, לסדר אמור אל הכהנים
ולע"נ זוגתו הרבנית חנה חי'הנה בת ר' מאיר שמריהו ורחל - נפטרה י"ג כסלו ה'תשמ"ג
DAILY Sound-bites in Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach and Daily Hayom Yom Videos
by Rabbi Menachem Meir Hacohen Blau

Thursday, 5 Tamuz - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Rebbe suggest a 'Neder Al Daas Rabbim', to Make a Tumult L'Maala, to insist on the Immediate Geula.

(From the Sicha of 5 Tamuz 5749)

Wednesday, 4 Tamuz - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

We must make every effort, to make sure, that Jewish children will be in a camps which will be in accordance with Torah and Al Tahars Hakodesh.

Those of us who are involved in Chinuch, must make sure, that we Utilise and Maximise every second (of available time) of the Summer Time period, for strengthening all matters of Judaism, within ourselves and amongst the Children.

This should be done with great energetic enthusiasm and joy and with the realisation that the World, itself, will be helping Yidden in our Avoda.

(From the Sicha of 3 Tamuz 5751)

Tuesday, 3 Tamuz - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Rebbe says that we are to do EVERYTHING we can to bring Moshiach, and we are to do such things and in such a manner that they are Oros Detohu but Bekelim Detikun.

(From the Sicha of 28 Nissan 5751)

Monday, 2 Tamuz - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

When Yidden get together (B'Achdus) as a group, they have the power, thereby, to accomplish virtually anything and everything and therefore if a large group of Yidden get together and demand the Geula now, they will accomplish it, for sure!

(From a Sicha in the year of 5741)

Sunday, 1 Tamuz - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Since we don't know which additional Good Deed will be the one which will Tip the Scale to Bring the Geula, therefor we must (Seize and) utilise every possible opportunity to increase in matters of Torah and Mitzvos.

In addition, there is the suggestion to make a Farbrengen on every Rosh Chodesh, where Good Resolutions are made and when it's on a Weekday, to also give additional Tzedaka.

(From the Sicha of Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5750)

Thursday, 21 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Rebbe Mh"m says that the Rebbe has made every single one of this generation to be his Shliach.

(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Shelach Mevorchim Hachodesh Tamuz 5748)

Wednesday, 20 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Advantage (Maalah) of our NOT Fasting on the 20th of Sivan, (although others do fast), is like the advantage of (our eating) on Purim, vs. the Fasting of Yom Kippur and it's emphasys and connection to the coming of Moshiach.

(From the Sicha of 19 Sivan 5751)

Tuesday, 19 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Lesson from the Meraglim is that unless we follow what the Rebbe said, precisely as told, without using our own intellect (interpretation), then we are vulnerable to make the very same mistake, which the Meraglim made.

The Rebbe says that the Rebbe (today) is the very same as the Baal Shem Tov and the very same as Moshe Rabeinu, the only difference being, is that it's in a different physical body.

(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Shlach, Mevorchim Hachodesh Tamuz 16 5710)

Sunday, 17 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Nowadays, every Yid has the rightful Zchus to Demand that the Geula be, Immediately.

(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas BeHaaloscha 16 Sivan 5750)

Friday, 15 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Through the Hiskashrus to the Rebbe Mh"M, we can achieve true Joy in our Torah and Mitzvos, and we have Joy also because we enjoy Bani Chaye Umezoine revichi and all Haalomos v'Hesterim are nullified, including the Haalomos v'Hestermim of the Galus.

(From the Sicha of Kuntres 15 Sivan 5750)

Wednesday, 13 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

About the Connection of 13 Sivan with the Geula.

(From the Sicha of the eve of 13 Sivan 5749)

Tuesday, 12 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Since we are now in the time period, when Moshiach is Revealed, it's now incumbent upon us, to Increase, in a manner of Hischadshus, in our Torah Learning and to be Mechadesh in Torah, as a preparation for the "Torah Chadash Meiti Teitze", which is via Moshiach.

(From the Sicha of 12 Sivan 5751)

Monday, 11 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Can anyone of us, truthfully say, that we have already done "Enough" in our obligation to do "All That We Can" to bring Moshiach"?

(From the Sicha of 2nd day of Shavuos 5746)

Sunday, 10 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Will there be a 2nd day of Yom Tov, after Moshiach comes?

(From the Sicha of 2nd day of Shavuos 5750)

Friday, 8 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Connection of Shavuos (and Shabbos Parshas Naso) with the Geula

(From the Sicha Shabbos Parshas Naso 5751)

Tuesday, 5 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

When Yidden make a Psak Din that The Time of the Redemption has arrived, we achieve the Geula instantaneously.

(From the Maamar Erev Chag Hashvuos 5749)

Monday, 4 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Connection of Shavuos with our Demand for the Immediate Redemption

(From a Sicha Bekesher with Chag Hashvuos 5741)

Sunday, 3 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Giving Tzedaka, beyond the amount required according to Halacha, brings about the utmost hastening of the Redemption via Moshiach.

(From the Sicha of Sunday Parshas Bamidbar 5747)

Frday, 1 Sivan - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Gathering in groups, the Shabbos before Shavuos.

(From the Sicha of Shabos Parshas Bamidbar, 2 Sivan 5750)

Thursday, 28 Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

We should be Preparing for Shavuos, with Farbrengens of Achdus and Simcha. The Simcha breaks through all Barriers of Galus and will Hasten the Geula.

(From the Sicha of Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5749)

Wednesday, 28 Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

(From the Sicha of 28 Iyar 5751)

Tuesday, 27 Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

By visualising the Imminent Geula a Yid has the power to accomplish, even now, that any and all aspect of Galus should not affect him at all in the Shleimus of his Avoda.

(From the Sicha of Shabbos Mevorchim Hachodesh Sivan 5748)

Monday, 26 Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

When Yidden Unite and Gather Together, they can accomplish, anything and everything, which they attempt to accomplish and therefore this also applies to us, now, that with our united request and demand for the Immediate Redemption, it will be accomplished immediately.

(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Bechukosai 5741)

Sunday, 25 Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Just as we count the days, in anticipation of Shavuos, Likewise we should be yearning for the Geula, to the point of counting the Days, Years and the Generations, of Galus, asking G-d to hasten the Imminent Geula....

(From a Sicha Sunday Parshas Bamidbar 25 Iyar 5750)

Friday, 23 Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Our preperation for Shavuos, to increase Unity amongs Yidden, will hasten the Geula.

(From a Sicha of Shabbos Mevorchim Hachodesh Sivan 5751)

Thursday, 22 Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

We should not be discouraged from the long duration of the Galus, because we are now told that the Geula is now Imminent.

(From a Sicha during the year of 5747)

Wednesday, the 21th of Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Even if a person may not feel the dire need to go go out of Galus this very moment, because he may be enjoying the abundance of his current Good Life, nevertheless, even such a person, would have a feeling of Compassion, for G-d, knowing that although he is currently satisfied in Exile, but G-d is suffering, every additional second, that we remain in Exile.

(From the Sicha of Lag B'Omer 5738)

Tuesday, the 20th of Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

1) Every Yid can reach, the Highest Levels, even today, even to the same level at which everyone will be, after The True and complete Redemption.

2) Moshiach comes Now, to take every Yid out of Galus, without any pre-conditions. Whereas a Yid may yet, have some aspects, that stil need to be corrected, nevertheless, Moshiach comes and Redeems him, Right Now, and "As Is", with all his current faults, and any needed "corrections", will be accomplished, afterwards, after the True and Complete Redemption.

(From the Sicha of 20 Iyar 5751)

Monday, the 19th of Iyar - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

There is no other alternative to bring Moshiach, except by us, "Machen Dem Emes'n Gevald" that we need moshiach immediately, in actuality ... (a Yiddish expression, as in a form of the most extreme expression of a Public Outcry, Outrage and Protest).

(From the Sicha of Lag Bomer 5746)

Sunday, the 18th of Iyar - Lag B'Omer 5773 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

What can we do to make Moshiach come, today, yet, on this Lag B'Omer?

(From the Sicha of Lag B'Omer 5751)

Friday, the 16th of Iyar 5773 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

About Preparing for Lag B'Omer

(From the Sicha of Shabbos Achrei-Kedoshim 5750)

Thursday, the 15th of Iyar 5773 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

A Yid has the Power to Disturb the enite Seder Hishtalshelus, in order to accomplish that we should be taken out of Galus Immediately.

(From the Sicha of 15 Iyar 5751)

Wednesday, the 14th of Iyar 5773 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Pesach Sheini 5773, as it relates to as all, TODAY!

The Rebbe says that the Taanah (complaint and demand) of 'Lama Nigara', applies also to our current situation, and much more so now, than then.

(From the Sicha of 15 Iyar 5751)

Tuesday, the 13th of Iyar 5773 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Rebbe says that the Lesson from Pesach Sheini is that even if we were lacking in our 'additional deeds' to hasten the Geula, it's not to late now, to fulfill what we had missed, thus far.

(From the Sicha of 13 Iyar 5751)

Monday, the 12th of Iyar 5773 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Because we are now (During 5748) extremely close to Yemos Hamoshiach, this is already reflected (now) in our 'Not Fasting Bahab', which is a Mein Vedugma of the Nullification of the Fasts in Yemos Hamoshiach, which the Rambam states.

(From the Sicha about Bahab 5748)

Sunday, the 11th of Iyar 5773 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

What will be the Halacha if Moshiach comes, during the days of Sefiras Haomer?

(From the Sicha of 11 Iyar 5749)

Click HERE for Prior (older) Videos - 60 Second Sound Bites in Geulah and Moshiach + Hayom Yom