יחי אדונינו מורנו ורבינו המלך המשיח לעולם ועד

מוקדש לעילוי נשמת הרה"ג הרה"ח ר' הרב חיים משה יהודה בהר"ר ירמיהו הכהן ולאה ע"ה בלוי - נפטר ג' אייר ה'תשס"ג, לסדר אמור אל הכהנים

www.770Live.com Presents NEW D A I L Y Sound-bites in Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Hayom Yom)
by Rabbi Menachem Meir Hacohen Blau

Tuesday 8 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: How is it that after Moshiach comes, the Halacha will be like Beis Shamai, since the Halacha must be as the Majority and Beis Hillel was the Majority?

This is because when Moshiach comes, the majority will (all) be uplifted to the higher level of Beis Shamai and therefore at that time, the Majority will then vote and rule as Beis Shamai and the Halacha is always (the same) according to the Majority (at any given time).
(From the Sicha of the 2nd day Shavuos 5751)

Friday 4 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Matan Torah on Shavuos represents, that Hashem gave Yidden the Torah in such a way (Torah Loy Bashamayim He) that G-d agreed to be bound by (and follow) the Psak Din of Yidden, on this earth, and therefore:

When we issue the Psak Din, that the time of the Geula has already arrived, then it becomes that way in actuality (and Hashem must follow this Psak Din).
(From the Maamar 'Anoichy Hashem Elokecha', of Erev Chag Hashovuos 5749)

Thursday 3 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Considering that we have been in Galus nearly 2,000 years, (and Considering that every yid truly deserves a Seudas Shlomo Beshaatoh as befitting for us, since every yid is like a, one and only child, of the King)...

How can it be that no one is (Outspoken Enough and) Outraged enough, to 'Raise a Storm' to bring the Geula?!
(From the Sicha of the 2nd Day of Shavuos 5746)

Wednesday 2 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: On this Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar, we should Gather Groups of Yidden in the Shulls to learn Torah, Beginning by bringing an additional Yid to come to Shull, to hear Krias Hatora (at Mincha).

With the Bracha that by 'running' to do this Mitzva, we will be 'running' to greet Moshiach immediately (and even without any need to 'run').
(From the Sicha of 2 Sivan 5750)

Tuesday 1 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Since we can't be sure which 'Good Deed' will be the one to tip the scale and bring the Geula, therefore we must utilize and try every opportunity for an increase in all matters of Torah and Mitzvos.

Meinyono Deyomo (Since it's Rosh Chodesh) it's suggested that on Every Rosh Chodesh, Joyous Farbrengens should be made, together with giving Tzedaka, which will (all) speed up the Geula Immediately.
(From the Sicha of Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5750)

Monday 29 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: When Yidden unite all together, they can then accomplish "Everything" because they then become united, as a single unit of "A Single Big Tzadik" (and then):

When they Decree and Proclaim, all together, Openly and Loudly that Moshiach must come Now, then it's an absolute certainty that G-d will certainly fulfill the Decree immediately.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Bechukoisai 5741)

Sunday 28 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Just as we count the days, in great anticipation of Shavuos, likewise we should increase, our desire and longing, for the Geula, counting the days, years and generations of Galus, screaming out 'Ad Mosai' asking for the Geula Immediately.
(From the Sicha of Sunday Parshas Bamidbar 5750)

Friday 26 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Directives in connections with Shavuos: 1) Everyone should participate in Kinusim, in the Shulls, on the Shabbos before Shavuos 2) All Children even infants should be in Shull during Aseres Hadibros on Shavuos.

This Achdus (even the Hachlata) will be Mevatel the cause of the Galus, automatically bringing about the Geulah immediately.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Behar-Bechukoisai, Mevorchim Hachodesh Sivan 5751)

Thursday 25 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Just as every Beis Hakneses and Beis Hamedrash will be transported to Eretz Yisroel, so too, even our private homes will also be transported to Eretz Yisroel, since they are also a "Mikdash M'At"

Increase in Tzedaka, beyond that which is required by Halacha, brings about the Ultimate Acceleration in the Speediness of the arrival of the Geula.
(From the Sicha of 25 Iyar 5747)

Wednesday 24 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Although we feel that Moshiach's coming is a certainty, we can't (relax and) remain indifferent, (to merely remain waiting) because:

We have the power to influence the will of Hashem to hasten the coming of Moshiach Today and even Instantaneously, by relentlessly asking for the Geula And also via every single additional good deed, speech and thought.
(From the Sicha of Wednesday Parshas Bechukoisai 5744)

Tuesday 23 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Respecting another's differing (Valid Torah) opinion, with Ahavas Yisroel, even if the dispute is in a valid differing opinion in Torah Matters, Speeds the coming of Moshiach and Techiyas Hameisim, Including Talmidey Rabi Akiva.
(From the Sicha of Tuesday, Parshas Behar 5749)

Monday 22 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: The reason the Torah seems to indicate that Shmita will begin immediately as soon as we enter Eretz Yisroel, is because:

Indeed at the time of the Geula, as soon as we first enter Israel, (with the Geula Now) we will immediately be able to enjoy the completed growth of the Produce (+ more), miraculously, without any need of any prior Planting etc.
(From the Sicha of: Shabbos Parshas Emor 5747)

Sunday 21 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: By utilizing Hisbonenus (active thought-meditation) and Visualization of the state of the Geula (which is imminent):

We can transform ourselves internally, to achieve a Level of complete Peace of Mind, Joy and Happiness, similar to that of the Actual Geula, so that we can actually feel that way right now and not be impacted at all, by the current challenges of Galus.
(From the Sicha of Parshas Behar-Bechukosai 5748)

Friday 19 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: (Through our Increase in our Peulos ....)
Moshiach comes immediately, now Mamosh, in our current (imperfect) status, even if our "cloths" are yet unclean, which will be taken care off, later, after Moshiach comes.
(Shabbos Parshas Emor, 20 Iyar, 5751)

Thursday 18 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Regarding our outcry of "Ad Mosai"
We have no choice but to express it in a format of the Utmost, Greatest and Strongest Outrage and Protest (Machen Dem Emesn Gevald) that we need the Hisgalus of Moshiach Now!
(Lag B'Omer 5746)

Wednesday 17 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Since the Opposite of Ahavas Yosroel has caused the Galus, therefore we should Increase in Ahavas Yisroel which will automatically nullify the Galus.

Likewise to Speed up the Geula Immediately on This Lag BeOmer day, we should increase in Tzedaka.
(Night of Lag B'Omer 5751)

Tuesday 16 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video

Subject: Since Moshiach hasn't come yet, (as of 13 Iyar 5748) this is proves to us that there is still some minor aspect which is lacking, in our Avoda and Acts Good Deeds:

Therefore we must all increase, in doing another additional Good Deed and yet Another (and so on...) and to do ALL we possibly can, to Eliminate the Galus and to bring about the Geula, in actuality
(Shabbos Parshas Achrey-Kedoshim 13 Iyar 5748)

Monday 15 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: The Biggest "Korbon" and the Biggest Mesiras Nefesh is the fact that Yidden don't Force Hashem to bring the Geulah - For a Yid has the power to upset the entire Seder Hishtalshelus, to Eliminate the Galus... (Sichas 15 iyar 5751)

Sunday 14 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: Pesach Sheni represents Our Current Outcry to Hashem "Lama Nigara" not only about the Korbon Pesach but all Korbonos, The Beis Hamikdash, etc. (Sichas 15 iyar 5751)

Friday 12 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: ... Regarding The Prayer and Request for Moshiach to come, Before Pesach Sheni (this year) Everyone is in Agreement and Wants that Moshiach Should Come Immediately ... (Eve of 12 Iyar 5749)

Thursday 11 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: ... The Reason why, we no longer fast BaHab is because at this time (Sicha was said during Iyar 5748) we are so close (Besmichas Mamash) to time period of Yemos Hamoshiach, therefore:

It has already begun (now) a Mein Vedugma of what the Rambam says, that (at that time) the Fasts will 1)Be Nullified and not only that but also; 2) Be Transformed in to days of Simcha on Yomim Tovim
(Toras Menachem Iyar 5748)

Wednesday 10 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: ... There is no reason to fear the Imminent Geula (as to what will happen with all which we have acquired and achieved until now) because

...All current Good things which we have acquired and achieved during the time period of Galus, will remain in-tact but be Elevated to a Geulah Level (Sichas Parshas Acharey-Kedoshm 5751)

Tuesday 9 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: As Long as We Are Still in Galus, We must all Daven, Demand and "Raise A Storm" (Ufshturemen Velten) that We Want Moshiach NOW! (Sichas Parshas Naso 5742)

Monday 8 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: The Reason Why We No Longer Fast "BaHab" is because We Have Already Completed Shleimus in Birur VeZichuch....

Nowdays (On BaHab), Not only do we NOT Fast, but on the contrary, we must be do More in Torah in Mitzvos but together with Eating and Drinking, in a manner as we do it on YOM TOV! (Sichas 8 Iyar 5748)

Sunday 7 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: Every Yid Can and Must Create a New Rotzon by Hashem, for the Immediate Geulah
as a Matter of his own Personal Passion and Initiative
(and not because 'someone else' told him to do so).

Friday 5 Iyar 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: Learning Inyoney Geula Umoshiach is the 'Derech Hayeshoro' to bring about,
Hisgalus and Bias HaMoshiach V'HaGeula, Bepoal Mamash

4 Iyar 5772 Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: Everyone Should Increase in Learning Torah, Specifically Geula Umoshiach
(Preferably with a Group of 10 People)
+ Giving Tzedaka Immediately Thereafter with the Intent that the Tzadaka Speeds Up the Geulah Immediately

3 Iyar 5772 Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: Bringing the Geula in a Manner of "Lechatchila Ariber"

2 Iyar 5772 Geula Umoshiach (for the Daily "Hayom Yom" click on the next video, BELOW)
Subject: It'a incumbent upon every yid to "Ufshturemen Velten" to bring about the Geula Shelema
2 Iyar 5772 HAYOM YOM