יחי אדונינו מורנו ורבינו המלך המשיח לעולם ועד

מוקדש לעילוי נשמת הרה"ג הרה"ח ר' הרב חיים משה יהודה בהר"ר ירמיהו הכהן ולאה ע"ה בלוי - נפטר ג' אייר ה'תשס"ג, לסדר אמור אל הכהנים

www.770Live.com Presents DAILY Sound-bites in Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach and Daily Hayom Yom Videos
by Rabbi Menachem Meir Hacohen Blau

Thursday 29 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

Just as the Siyumim, which we make on Erev Pesach is a preparation to the Geula of Pesach, likewise the Siyumim which we make during the 9 days is a preparation to the Geula of Moshiach, especially this year when we are now on the threshold of the Geula.

We should bring as many people as possible to the Siyumim, even Children, as the Minhag is at the Siyumim of Erev Pesach.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Matos Masei 5751)

Wednesday 28 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

During the 3 Weeks, we must place additional Emphasis on the good virtues of every Yid.

The method to be used to bring him closer to Yiddishkeit, must be via Ahavas Yisroel and the Unity there is amongst Jews, where the main Emphasis is on the Positive aspects. Through this we bring about The Geula and the Building of the Beis Hamikdash.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Matos Masei 5748)

Tuesday 27 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

Moshiach can come this very second, without any delay, instantly.

As for those who argue, that we have to do Teshuva first, the Halacha is that Teshuva does not require a lengthy time period. Al Pi Halacha, Teshuva can be done, in one split second, and therefore Moshiach can arrive this very second, too.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Pinchas 5745)

Monday 26 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

We must increase in all matters which hasten the Geula, not only by making good resolutions, but the main thing is, by doing these things in action, in actuality;

As it's explained in Tanya, that even if someone was thinking, all the Kavonos (deeper meaning) of the Mitzvos, but has not done them in action, in actuality, he did not fulfill his obligation.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Pinchas 5745)

Sunday 25 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Main Avoda of the (Previous) Rebbe was and still is to bring about the Geula. The Rebbe is the one who gives us the needed power, for us to bring about the Geula, Immediately, even right now too!

Some us notice this ourselves, that the Rebbe is constantly giving us this power, now too, and some of us need proof by observing, that the fact that the Chassidim are Alive and Empowered, proves that It's the Rebbe, who is the one, who is empowering the Chassidim, BECAUSE the Rebbe is alive now too, exactly the same as he was before.

Thereby the Rebbe is empowering us right now, to bring about the Geula, right now.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Pinchas 5745)

Friday 23 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Since the Geula is now imminent, every yid must now Entrain himself to the Geula.

That is, to bring himself to a state of mind and feeling of living in the Geula via transforming his personal day in to a day of personal Geula and transforming his personal space in to becoming 'Eretz Yisroel' by doing all of his personal Avoda in Torah and Mitzvos in the best and most complete possible manner. This Directive should also be publicized everywhere.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Pinchas 5751)

Thursday 22 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Our Crying Out Ad Mosai today, is as the Rogotchover Gaon says that the Churban Beis Hamikdash is not merely something that happened over 1900 years ago but rather it is a Peula Nimsheches which is happening anew TODAY, as the Yerushalmi says that whoever has not had the Beis Hamikdash built in his days, it's as though it was destroyed in his days and therefore:

Even if someone is hardened personality type or even if someone has 'A Heart of Stone' and if he was watching today as the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed today, literally, he would have raised a storm and would have (Gekert Avelt) 'turned over the entire world' - so the Torah says that likewise we must Ker Avelt Heint, i.e. We must to raise such a huge storm TODAY to correct the situation TODAY!

Which is why we must all cry out AD MOSAI, Today, Anew
(From the Sicha of Thursday Parshas Pinchas 5744)

Wednesday 21 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

During the 3 weeks we should learn about matters in Torah pertaining to the building of the Beis Hamikdash, in Torah Shebiksav, in Nevuas Yechezkel, about the 3d Beis Hamikdash, in Torah Shebaal Peh in Mishnayos of Masechta Midos, and in Hilchos Beis Habchira of the Rambam and we should publicize this directive, everywhere.
(From the Sicha of 21 Tamuz 5750)

Tuesday 20 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Our learning the Halochos of Building the Beis Hamikdash, this year should not be as something which is relevant in the future but as something which is relevant right now because Moshiach's coming is imminent right now.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Balak 5751)

Monday 19 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The proclamation of the Freideker Rebbe, "L'Alter L'Geula" definitely means that Moshiach will come immediately now, literally, Although much time has passed, its meaning is still that Moshiach comes immediately now mamash literally.

Nevertheless, as long as the Geulah has not yet arrived, in actuality, it is demanded of every Yid to cry out and demand that he wants the Geula in actuality and immediately, now mamash.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Pinchos 5745)

Sunday 18 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Lesson we learn from 17 Tamuz:
Before we even begin the Slichos of 17 Tamuz, the very first thing we cry out and raise a storm, (as a preface to Selichos), is that we plead and beseech Hashem that the very first thing he must do is Bring the Geula immediately and only afterwards, comes all other considerations.
(From the Sicha of 15 Tamuz 5742)

Friday 16 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Learning Inyoney Geula Umoshiach has the Power to Change the Nature of a Person and cause a complete Transformation within ourselves, so that we begin to feel and live Moshiach'dik.

(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Balak 17 Tamuz Nidche 5751)

Thursday 15 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

We must remind ourselves and all those around us, that we have an Absolute Guaranteed Promise that:

As a direct result of us doing additional good deeds, even if it's just One additional Mitzvah we can "tip the scale" (of justice) for the benefit of ourselves as well as for the entire world, which results in us personally being helped and saved as well as the entire world (via the coming of Moshiach) - as a direct outcome of our current, 1 single, good deed - Instantaneously!

(This is because: As the Rambam Psakens L’Halacha that; We are commanded to always view ourselves and the entire world, as being in a state, of perfect, absolute balance, where even one single deed, can tip the scale, for the good, as for our personal status as well as for the Global Status of the Entire World).
(From the Sicha of 15 Tamuz 5749)

Wednesday 14 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Today 14 Tamuz is like 'Isru Chag', in regard to the days of the Chag Hageulah, (12-13 Tamuz), which we are coming from now, it's appropriate to use the day for Hachlotos Tovos, to increase even more in Torah and Mitzvos - and the main point is:

Our General Avoda must be in mannerism of Geulah which is defined as being Devoid of any Limitations and Beyond any Limitations ("Yetzia Mimetzarim Ugvulim and Lemaalah Mimedida Vehagbala") in Torah and Mitzvos.
(From the Sicha of Wednesday 14 Tamuz 5751)

Tuesday 13 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Why do we now see, that so many peoples "hidden bad", is revealed now, "Yisbareru Veyislabnu"?

The Reason is because Moshiach's arrival is now imminent and therefore everything is being revealed very quickly, so that it's all corrected before Moshiach's imminent arrival now.
(From the Sicha of 12 Tamuz 5747)

Monday 12 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Because Moshe and Yidden (i.e. the Rebbe and Chassidim), are One Unit, as Rashi says that Moshe "IS" Yisroel and Yisroel "IS" Moshe, likewise it is with The Rebbe, which is the Moshe of the Generation;

The "Darkness" which "we" (Yidden and Chassidim) feel and the Impact which the Galus has on us, also Impacts the Rebbe Himself and Therefore:

The Geulah accomplishes "Yisron Haor Mitoch Hachoshech", even in regard to the Rebbe Himself!
(From the Kuntres Chag Hageulah 12-13 Tamuz 5751)

Sunday 11 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Rambam teaches us a "Halacha" that whenever mentioning Moshiach we should always conclude with a Tefila of "Amein Kein Yehi Ratzon"
(From the Sicha of 7 Cheshvon 5746)

Friday 9 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Bracha of the Rebbe Mh"M:
The Hachlata to prepare (now) for the Farbrengens of Yud Beis Tamuz will be Mezarez the Geulah immediately now, even on the Shabbos before 12 Tamuz.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Chukas 5750)

Thursday 8 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Bracha of the Rebbe Mh"M:
We should immediately have, not only Bias Hamoshiach but also the HISPASHTUS Hamoshiach!

And the Miracles that we will have (even while we are still in Galus) will be so numerous and constantly ongoing that no one will even be able to identify which is the most recent miracle because there will be (constantly) more and more without any limits.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Chukas 10 Tamuz 5751)

Wednesday 7 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Even if there are individual Yidden, who may still be lacking in some element of their personal Avoda, nevertheless, the Jewish People as whole, have already completed their general collective Avoda through the collective and cumulative work of all prior generations and therefore there is absolutely no reason or explanation at all, whatsoever, for the current delay in the Geula.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Noach 5752)

Tuesday 6 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

In the year of 5747 The Rebbe Mh"M says:
The mere fact that Moshiach still hasn't come yet, this in it's self, proves, that there is still a need for us to increase, even more (although we have already done so much), in all matters of our Avoda and with Agility and in a manner of always increasing more and more and higher and higher.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Hagodol 5747)

Monday 5 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Even if there is anything missing in our Avoda it is still not a reason for G-d to delay the Geulah even for one second and therefore:

All that was said, about the need for everyone to do more in Hafatza, this does not at all diminish, from our request and absolute demand for the immediate Geulah because the Geulah is now already overdue anyway, even without and even before any of our additional Hafatza, (although our additional deeds DOAS hasten the Geulah even more).
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Korach 3 Tamuz 5748)

Sunday 4 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

In the days of following 3 Tamuz, we are to increase in our efforts and projects of Spreading Yiddishkeit and Chassidus to hasten the Geula.

By our doing all the above in an extreme manner, which is beyond any realm of any limitations, yet within the realm of nature; We will then see, that the nature of the world is ready for Moshiach and that even the Goyim are ready and help us in our Avoda.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Korach 3 Tamuz 5751)

Friday 2 Tamuz 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Rebbe suggests a Neder Al Daas Rabim, to be made, so that it's Halachicaly, not possible to be Matir Neder, such a Neder:

And the Neder is that:
He will make a Tumult L'Maala and never back down, (or even delay), but will relentlessly insistent, to bring about the Geulah immediately.

In order to speed up the Geulah even faster: It's through Our Avoda B'Simcha that we have the power to break the barriers of Galus and bring about the Geulah immediately.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Korach 5749)

Thursday 1 Tamuz 5772 - 2n Day Rosh Chodesh Tamuz - Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom)

Subject: The Lesson from Parshas Korach (Porach Mate Aharon … Vayigmoll Shkeidim) is, that in everything we do, it should be with Zrizus (with Agility), and this willbe Mezarez the conquering and the entry in to Eretz Yisroel with Geulah through Moshiach.
(From the Sicha of Thursday Parshas Korach, 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh Tamuz)

Wednesday 30 Sivan 5772 - First Day Rosh Chodesh Tamuz - Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom)

Subject: Since we have already done so much (throughout all prior generations) to bring the Geulah and we have yet to know, precisely which good deed will be the one to tip the scale and bring the Geula, therefore:

We need to seize every opportunity and every possibility to try and increase in everything in Torah and Mitzvos.
A Practical suggestion (since today is Rosh Chodesh, says the Rebbe):
Every Rosh Chodesh, we should get together and make Chassidishe Farbrengens of Simcha, Say Lechaim, Give each other Brochos and that together, we should accept upon ourselves Hachlotos Tovos and to connect it with giving Tzedaka at the Farbrengens and this will certainly hasten the Geulah immediately.

(From the Sicha of 1st Day Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5750)

Click HERE for Prior (older) Videos - 60 Second Sound Bites in Geulah and Moshiach + Hayom Yom