יחי אדונינו מורנו ורבינו המלך המשיח לעולם ועד
מוקדש לעילוי נשמת הרה"ג הרה"ח ר' הרב חיים משה יהודה בהר"ר ירמיהו הכהן ולאה ע"ה בלוי - נפטר ג' אייר ה'תשס"ג, לסדר אמור אל הכהנים
www.770Live.com Presents NEW D A I L Y Sound-bites in Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Hayom Yom)
by Rabbi Menachem Meir Hacohen Blau
Tuesday 29 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Although learning about the Geula has its enormous virtues but we need the Geula in Actuality and to obtain it in actuality, we must cry-out to Hashem, Truthfully and then G-d will certainly give it to us.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Korach 5749)
Monday 28 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
770 is BeGematria (Numerical Value of), "Paratzta" because the Greatest Spreading of Chassidus, is from 770. And Specifically in 770 and from 770 accomplishes and brings about the Geula and the building of the 3d Beis Hamikdash and:
In 770, is the place where the 3d Beis Hamikdash will be revealed First, for this is where the Rebbe, the leader of the generation, (currently) lives and where he has done all his work most recently.
(From the Sicha of Monday 28 Sivan 5751)
Sunday 27 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
We often have the Greatest miracles, even today too, although in a hidden way as in "Leosey Niflaos Gedolos Levadoy", but the novelty of the Miracles at the time of the Geula is, that we will see the miracles, openly, "Arenu Niflaos".
(From the Kuntres 28 Sivan 5751 - Maamar Keyemay Tzescha MeEretz Mitzraim Arenu Niflaos)
Friday 25 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Each and every single one of us has been assigned by the Rebbe to be a Shliach and as such we are to use our own intellect to determine the details of exactly how to manifest the Shlichus and we are specifically NOT to ask the Rebbe for every detail because the Rebbe wants that to be our own input.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Shelach, Shabbos Mevarchim Hachodesh Tamuz 5748)
Thursday 24 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
The Rebbe (The Moshe Rabeinu of this Generation) assigned each and every one of this generation to be on Shlichus to finish off the remaining leftover remnants, of the Galus and to prepare the way to the entry and the conquering of Eretz Yisroel and of the whole world (which is destined to all become part of Eretz Yisroel) and therefore:
Since this is the Shlichus of this generation, no one is exempted from his obligation nor may anyone shirk his responsibility, to stand on the sidelines, nor even to be 'a follower of the crowd' in this, but on the contrary, every one must make the effort to be in the Forefront and we have G-d's Guaranteed Promise that the land will be conquered, in our Forefront.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Shlach Mevarchim Hachodesh Tamuz 5748)
Wednesday 23 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: We must not get depressed, in spite of the lengthy Galus because our knowledge that Moshiach's coming, is now imminent, empowers us to continue in our Avoda with Joy and Happiness.
(From the Sicha of 23 Sivan 5747)
Monday 21 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: We must make the Resolution to increase in spreading more Torah and Judasim all over the world, wherever we can reach and (similarly in Inyoney Hareshus that it be 'Al Pi Hashem' up to the point of 'Oleh Meeleha'), through this it will bring about that:
Through this we will merit to receive all blessings and promises from G-d, not only to protect us from anything which could be disturbing us, but even more so that because of this G-d will be providing 'Lemaalah Min Hateva within Teva', that in all natural things we will succeed in a manner which is higher than nature.
(From the Sicha of 21 Sivan 5749)
Sunday 20 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: The fact that we don’t follow the custom (which some people do), to fast on 20 Sivan, is not that we are missing the advantage which is obtainable through fasting but on the contrary:
Our not fasting, is specifically the advantage, which enables us to reach an even higher level, which is obtainable specifically through Not Fasting. - Similar to the advantage of Not Fasting on Purim, which results in us reaching an even higher level, than which is obtainable through Fasting on Yom-Kipur.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Behaaloscha 19 Sivan 5751)
Friday 18 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: Since all Yidden have already done Teshuva (because even a split second thought of Teshuva, he becomes a Tzadik Gamur) therefore it is certain, that the Psak Din (of the immediate Redemption), must already be fulfilled and therefore:
Every yid has the Zchus and is absolutely required to demand from Hashem, the Geula, and Immediately Mamash.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Behaaloscha 5750)
Thursday 17 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: As long as we are still waiting for Moshiach, not only, can’t we stop our work, but we must continuously, keep on increasing, more and more, until we complete the building of the 3d Beis Hamikdash.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Behaaloscha 19 Sivan 5748)
Wednesday 16 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: G-d can no longer tolerate the Galus because Hashem himself is also in Galus. Knowing this strengthens us in our awaiting the coming of Moshiach imminently.
Every Yid has the Zchus and the Chiyuv to demand the Geula immediately.
(From the Sicha of 16 Sivan 5750)
Tuesday 15 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: What is someone to do if he feels that he doesn't feel any pleasure and vitality in his fulfillment of Torah and Mitzvos (and is only doing it with Kabolas_Oil), what can he do to reach the Level Simcha (Happiness and Joy) - as indicated by the words 'Roni Vesimchi' ?
The Answer is, that we can obtain this via our Hiskashrus to (i.e. the connection, devotion and following of) The Rebbe. This will not only help us with Simcha, in Torah and Mitzvos, but also accomplish that we will not have any disturbances from any Gashmius Matters.
This (Hiskashrus etc.) will also nullify all disturbances of the Galus and The Rebbe will bring us to Eretz Yisroel with the Geula.
(From the Kuntres 15 Sivan 5750 - Maamar: Roni Vesimchi Bas Tziyon - Haftora of Parshas B'Haaloscha)
Monday 14 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: Since Yidden have been in Galus for so many years, it's absolutely certain that the time has already come for G-d to show his love for the Yidden in a revealed way and therefore:
As long as we are still in Galus, we must Raise a Storm (Ufshturemen Velten), to Announce and Request that 'We Want Moshiach Now!'
(From the Sicha of 14 Sivan 5742)
Sunday 13 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: When we encounter another Yid (after 12 Sivan) who has progressively increased in his learning, since Shavuos, even up-to and including the end of the 12tn day of Sivan, we advise him (even now) that he must continue to increase even more in learning and also in Tzedaka, which will all, hasten the Geula, even more ...
(From the Sicha of the Night of 13 Sivan 5749)
Friday 11 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: It's absolutely certain, that we have already completed, even the "polishing of the buttons" and we are already, (all) standing, fully prepared, to greet Moshiach, especially since the prophesy, which is stated in the Yalkut Shimony, has already been fulfilled (long ago) and since then and until now, we are (now) in the Era and "The Time period of 'When Moshiach Comes' ".
The Horaa (Directive), what we are to do:
As a preparation to the Torah Chadasha Meiti Teizei (via Moshiach), we should increase in learning, especially Chassidus, with additional new vitality and pleasure, in our learning, to the extent, of us also making "Chidushim in Torah"... This will thereby hasten the coming of Moshiach.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Naso 12 Sivan, 5751)
Thursday 10 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: The Rebbe Mh"M (himself) says that the Rebbe, the Nasi Hador, is Moshiach!
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Naso 5720)
Wednesday 9 Sivan 5772 Inyoney Geula Umoshiach (+ Daily Hayom Yom) Video
Subject: Our Davening and asking for the Geula (especially) on Shavuos, accomplishes that we bring about the real and complete Redemption, in actuality.
(From the Sicha of 9 Sivan 5751)
Click HERE for Prior (older) Videos - 60 Second Sound Bites in Geula Umoshiach + Hayom Yom