יחי אדונינו מורנו ורבינו המלך המשיח לעולם ועד

מוקדש לעילוי נשמת הרה"ג הרה"ח ר' הרב חיים משה יהודה בהר"ר ירמיהו הכהן ולאה ע"ה בלוי - נפטר ג' אייר ה'תשס"ג, לסדר אמור אל הכהנים

www.770Live.com Presents DAILY Sound-bites in Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach and Daily Hayom Yom Videos
by Rabbi Menachem Meir Hacohen Blau

Monday 2 Elul 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

When Learning matters of Torah pertaining to the Redemption and Moshiach, (as we should be doing), it is to be learned in such a manner that we feel an anxious anticipation and a feeling of an absolute positive certainty, that immediately mamash, we are about to see with our eyes physical eyes of flesh, that Behold Here Comes the King Moshiach!

We are to bring this message to the world even if feel that perhaps we ourselves have not yet fully comprehended and internalized it all, yet.
(From the Sicha of Rosh Chodesh Elul 5751)

Sunday 1 Elul 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

When we review and take in to account the entire prior year, as is to be done during Chodesh Elul, it brings us to the realisation, to be outraged, Hayetochen, as to how is it that we are so late in the year and yet still waiting for the Geula! And so it brings us to cry out AD MOSAI.
(From the Sicha of Rosh Chodesh Elul 5751)

Friday 29 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

We must publicize the PROPHECY which G-d has told us through his Neviim that we must Look and See that G-d is giving us today the Bracha up to the point that Today Literally, we see the Bracha of the Real and complete Redemption.

We must emphasize that the publicity of this Prophecy must be publicized by everyone, even by those who may claim that they have not yet fully grasped and comprehended it. Everyone must Publicize this, beginning from his own Family and to all those he comes in contact with and to the entire world.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas ReEy First Day of Rosh Chodesh Elul 5751)

Thursday 28 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The concept of Teshuva with Merirus (Repentance with a feeling of Embitterment) as explained in the Maamar (noted below) does not apply in our generation because our generation can't handle it and we are in need of positive encouragement etc. and therefore:

In Our generation today, Teshuva is to be performed with Simcha (Joy and Happiness) especially since we are in the time period of (the Millennium of) "Friday Afternoon" (which is The Time of the Redemption)
(From the Rebbe Mh"M: Shabbos Parshlas Vayishlach 5746 - Maamar Divrey Hamaschil Margele Bepume Derava)

Wednesday 27 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The source that we must cry out Ad Mosai, meaning that we need and want the Geula Immediately is clearly seen from our daily Davening (Prayers) where we ask for this constantly.

It's self evident even to a child that when a sick person asks in Davening that he should be cured, he means that it should be immediately and not in many years. How much more so when it's in regard to the Geula which is the Redemption, which desperately needed by everyone all over the world, obviously its meaning is that it be immediately.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Eikev 5744)

Tuesday 26 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

During the first Tekufa (time period) of Moshiach, the Avoda in the Beis Hamikdash will be done by the Cohanim (Beavodosom) and by the Leviyim (Beduchanam) as it has always been done.

The question (and its conclusive decision), if the Avoda of Cohanim, will be done by the Leviyim, or by the Bechorim, this will be applicable only during the 2nd Tekufa of Moshiach.
(From the Sicha of 20 Menachem Av 5751 - Footnote 37)

Monday 25 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Giving Additional Tzedaka has a special Segula (unique quality), that it Hastens the Geula (Redemption), - beyond that which any other matter of Torah and Mitzvos can also accomplish.

Especially now, since we are now at the Peak Time for the Geula and at a time when it's most needed we should all increase in Tzedaka which will bring closer and hasten the Geula.
(From the Sicha of Monday Parshas ReEy 5750)

Sunday 24 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Geula Shleima via Moshiach, is long overdue and therefore it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to demand this from G-d, while (simultaneously also) doing all that we can, to speed up the imminent Redemption.

(I.E. to make it happen even faster, than the speed of which it is now happening anyway, even without our input of hastening it).
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Eikev, Mevarchim Hachodesh Elul 5751)

Friday 22 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Since, During Chodesh Elul, The King (G-d) Is In The Field (so to speak) and G-d greets everyone with a smiling face and since everyone is (then) permitted, to approach the King and ask for whatever he wants (and G-d grants everyone their request); therefore:

We are hereby empowered with the greatest empowerment and we have the greatest Zchus and Responsibility to request and to cry out 'AD MOSAI'!
("UNTILL WHEN" - How much longer... we can't wait any longer... for the Redemption via Moshiach).
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Mevarchim Hachodesh Elul 5751)

Thursday 21 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The aspect of Torah and Unity which is expressed through completion of the writing of the Sefer Torah for Jewish Children, (which was completed on 20 Menachem Av 5741), helps nullify the Churban Beis Hamikdash of the first Beis Hamikdash, which was for the lack of learning Torah and the second Beis Hamikdash which for the lack of Achdus and through this correction we will merit the Geula immediately.
(From the Sicha of 20 Menachem Av 5741)

Wednesday 20 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

In connection with today's date of 20 Menachem Av, the Yartzeit of the father of the Rebbe Melech Hamoshiach:

Everyone should set a living example of himself, emulating the ways of the Rebbe's father, in his Mesiras Nefesh for spreading Torah and Yiddishkeit and in regard to the children, who are about to greet Moshiach, we must show them (by example) how we prepare to greet Moshiach.
(From the Sicha of Wednesday Parshas Eikev 20 Menachem Av 5751)

Tuesday 19 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

In regard to what has been said (previously) that we should be doing additional acts of Torah and Mitzvos, which are also in manner which is (to us), beyond limitations and through this we will also have now, a foretaste, of the Unlimitedness of the Geula....

Special emphasis (in this regard) should be placed on learning the parts of the Torah which are about matters pertaining to the Geula and Redemption, especially in the Rambam and in Chassidus and this is even better if the learning is in groups of 10.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Nachamu 16 Menachem Av 5751)

Monday 18 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Although our prior accomplishments to bring Moshiach is tremendous, nevertheless the mere fact that we find ourselves still waiting, this in it's self, serves as proof that there is still something more, which have yet to do and therefore:

Every single one of us must ask of himself: "What have I done until now to hasten the Redemption?" Especially, when one takes in to account that Moshiach is personally standing, hoping and is like "out of breath", waiting for him specifically, for his additional action which could be the catalyst to bring about the Redemption now - which is a tremendous Zchus and Achrayus upon each and every one of us.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Nachamu 16 Menachem Av 5748)

Sunday 17 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

Since we are at the threshold of the Redemption at which time, everything will be had in a limitless capacity, we must now have a foretaste of this the Unlimitedness of the Geula, which can be achieved by us doing additional acts of Torah and Mitzvos, which are also in manner which is (to us), beyond limitations.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Nachamu 16 Menachem Av 5751)

Friday 15 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

'Keitz Sam Lachoshech' (at the time of the Geula) is that the Darkness will come to an end, not because it’s nullified, because it's being impacted by the greater light, but rather because the revelation of the (G-d'ly) light, will be so great, totally beyond the realm of this world, which will make it impossible for darkness to even exist in the first place.

This greatest light, which is beyond the realm of this word, will nevertheless be fully received within our physical world because then (in the time of the Geula) this world will be fully receptive and a complete vessel to be able to accept fully, even this (unlimited) light.

Since the world will then be, a vessel for this greatest light, even in within the realm of its own criteria (which is otherwise normally limited), this will fulfill the purpose of the world to be a complete dwelling place for the essence of G-d himself.
(From the Kuntres 15 Menachem Av 5751 - Maamar 'Keitz Sam Lachoshech')

Thursday 14 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

In connection with 15 MenachemAv, Farbrengens of Simcha should be made (at night) - Similar to Simcha of a Wedding.

Even before then, we should have the greatest Simcha of all, a Simcha beyond boundaries of the coming of Moshiach.
(From the Sicha of Tisha BeAv Nidche 5751)

Wednesday 13 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Lesson from "Vaeschanan" is:
The Relentless Prayers of Moshe Rabeinu (515 Tefilos), teaches us, that we must also relentlessly pray and cry out AD MOSAI and our prayers will most certainly be accepted, just as Moshe Rabeinu's request will also be granted at the time of the Geula (because: "Goel Rishon Hu Goel Achron")
(From the Sicha of Tisha_B'Av Nidche 5751)

Tuesday 12 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The Gemara in Megila says that the Shulls and the places of learning will be moved to Eretz Yisroel. This means that:

Not only the People who Learn and Daven and not only the Holly parts of the Shulls will go to Eretz Yisroel (up to the actual location of the Beis Hamikdash on the Har Hamoria), but also the actual physical wood and stones will be transported which is absolutely astonishing and amazing! And since this is so, for all shuls, how much more so, that 770 will be transported!

Monday 11 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video

The days after Tisha B'Av, especially 11 Menachem Av and especially here, in 770, is the most opportune time and the most opportune place for the coming of Moshiach and therefore:

It is suggested that we continue making Siyumim through 15 Menachem Av and to connect it also with Giving Tzedaka and (where appropriate) a Seuda and Farbrengen should also be made and this should be publicized.
(From the Sicha of the days of before and On Tisha B'Av Nidche and afterwards)

Sunday 10 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

The only thing which (G-d) is waiting for, is that another Yid will cry out one more time and request one more time and one more demand and one more reminder of "AD MOSAI" and through this is accomplished that Moshiach Tzidkeinu walks in to 770 and takes everyone who is in 770, amongst all of Klal Yisroel to Eretz Yisroel....
(From the Sicha of Tisha_B'Av Nidche 5751)

Friday 8 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

Everything needed to be done, to bring about the Geula, has already been completed and the only thing left to do is for us to cry out one more time AD MOSAI.

This will accomplish that Moshiach will come in to 770, right now, and take everyone who is in 770, amongst all Yidden, to Eretz Yisroel, to Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh. to the Har Hakodesh, to the 3d Beis Hamikdash, this Shabbos Chazon and immediately.
(From the Sicha of Tisha_B'Av Nidche 5751)

Thursday 7 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

Although we expect the imminent revelation of Moshiach, nevertheless we are commanded to always do our Avoda Bishleimus which is by living in the present and plan Hacholotos Tovos, just in case, IF Moshiach is delayed Chas Vesholom. However we must make it very clear, that it's only IF Moshiach is delayed Chas Vesholom.
(From the Sicha of Tisha_B'Av Nidche 5751)

Wednesday 6 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

It is stated that the 3d Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt in Chodesh Menachem_Av and therefore, now is the most opportune time for us to cry out AD MOSAI and our request and prayers will certainly be fulfilled immediately.
(From the Sicha of Tisha B'Av Nidche 5751)

Tuesday 5 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

Since we have already spread out so much Chassidus (in Chutza), it is absolutely certain that the promise of Melech Hamoshiach to the Baal Shem Tov, that he will come, as soon as there will be Yafutzu Maayonosecha Chutza, will be fulfilled and that this will be literally, in a manner where we can point with our finger and say: Here is Moshiach Tzidkeinu!
(From the Sicha of Tuesday, 5 Menachem_Av 5748)

Monday 4 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

Since we need to do something additional to bring the Geula and since we don't know precisely which thing, might be the one, to tip the scale, therefore we must do everything we can, because perhaps that one thing, will be the one, which is needed to tip the scale and bring the Geula.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Matos Masey 5750)

Sunday 3 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

The Siyumim we make should be on such Masechtos which will allow us to make the Siyumim and easily explain them, Very Quickly.

The Siyumim allows us to increase in Simcha which nullifies all aspects of the opposite of Simcha of this time period and through this we will merit that these days will be transformed in to days of joy and Yomim Tovim.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Matos Masey 5748)

Friday 1 Menachem_Av 5772 - Daily Inyoney Geulah and Moshiach Video - Daily Hayom Yom Video
Daily Rambam, Hilchos Beis Habchira Video

During the 3 Weeks we must add in Ahavas Yisroel, thereby eliminating the cause of the Galus and by eliminating the cause, then its effect is nullified and we have the true and complete Redemption, Immediately.
(From the Sicha of Shabbos Parshas Masei 5744)

Click HERE for Prior (older) Videos - 60 Second Sound Bites in Geulah and Moshiach + Hayom Yom